
A friendship inter-school robotics competitions was held on February 22 at Cheltenham Muscat school among 30 teams. The results of the competitions in different age groups are as follows:


Rank Team name School
1 Golden Girls Downe House Muscat
Future Sparks Cheltenham Muscat
Galaxy Cheltenham Muscat
Warriors Cheltenham Muscat

ROBO MISSION _ Elementary: 8-12

Rank Team name School Round 1 Round 2 best Round
score time score time score time
1 TSS Tech Kings The Sultans School 20 120 65 80 65 80
2 NextGenRobotics TAISM 45 120 30 43 45 120
3 DAMONKYS TAISM 20 120 35 23 35 23
4 IT Team TAISM 20 120 30 33 30 33
5 The JollyRanchers TAISM 25 120 30 35 30 35
6 The Two Ninjas Cheltenham Muscat 15 120 20 30 20 30
7 Hero Robots Cheltenham Muscat 20 120 20 60 20 60
8 Code Bots Cheltenham Muscat 20 120 0 0 20 120
9 Explorers Oman Cheltenham Muscat 20 120 20 120 20 120
10 Rocket Builder Cheltenham Muscat 15 120 20 120 20 120
11 Digital Divas TAISM 20 120 20 20 20 20
12 Tamers TAISM 20 120 20 20 20 20
13 The InventHers TAISM 20 120 20 30 20 30
14 Champions Downe House Muscat 15 120 10 100 15 120

ROBO MISSION _ Junior: 11-15

Rank Team name School Round 1 Round 2 best Round
score time score time score time
1 LEGO Legends New World International School 64 70 74 51 74 51
2 R2-D2 Cheltenham Muscat 64 66 64 57 64 57
3 The Innovators New World International School 34 53 64 81 64 81
4 Future Builders New World International School 64 90 56 55 64 90
5 TAISM 3 TAISM 44 29 54 27 54 27
6 Botzilla TAISM 54 37 54 30 54 30
7 Robotics Bros TAISM 54 45 54 38 54 38
8 Wild Robots TAISM 54 48 44 22 54 48
9 K2sio3 TAISM 34 15 44 17 44 17
10 TechsMechs2 TAISM 34 20 44 28 44 28

ROBO MISSION _ Senior: 14-19

Rank Team name School Round 1 Round 2 best Round
score time score time score time
1 ARK British School Muscat 28 30 37 36 37 36

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